SmartLinc Version Support

MobiLinc was developed and tested against the following versions of the SmartHome SmartLinc 2412N controller:
- SmartLinc Firmware Version 3.0 Build Jul 15 2009, Version: iPhone 2.0.
- SmartLinc Firmware Version 3.1 Build Sep 16 2010, Version: iPhone 2.1 and later.
Here is how to find your SmartLinc firmware version:
1. Open a web browser and navigate to
2. Click on "I'm at home"
3. Log into your SmartLinc
4. Click on the Wrench Icon at the bottom of the screen
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and verify that the Firmware Version reads "3.0 Build Jul 15 2009" or "3.1 Build Sep 16 2010, Version: iPhone 2.1 or later".
- SmartLinc Firmware Version 3.0 Build Jul 15 2009, Version: iPhone 2.0.
- SmartLinc Firmware Version 3.1 Build Sep 16 2010, Version: iPhone 2.1 and later.
Here is how to find your SmartLinc firmware version:
1. Open a web browser and navigate to
2. Click on "I'm at home"
3. Log into your SmartLinc
4. Click on the Wrench Icon at the bottom of the screen
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and verify that the Firmware Version reads "3.0 Build Jul 15 2009" or "3.1 Build Sep 16 2010, Version: iPhone 2.1 or later".