First, thanks for all the effort it took to get this release out the door. I installed it yesterday at the office and as soon as I fired it up at home using WiFi, it immediately discovered my ISY and sync’ed without incident.
The next fifteen minutes were spent in “discovery mode” figuring out how MobiLinc works and investigating its settings and options. I must say that for a beta release, this is a fairly full-featured app . . . slide dimmers, theme & on/off color settings, custom device icons, etc. Really nice effort, and I would already welcome the opportunity to pay for the app to help keep the momentum on your development effort.
That being said, you asked, so here are the requests:
- Thermostat control gets my vote as a priority enhancement
- In “My devices”, the sort bar at the top consumes valuable screen real estate. I accept the default of A-Z, but in any case, once they are sorted, I don’t ever need that bar again. A setting to hide it would be nice.
- In the “Control device” screen, a “Back” or “Done” button to the right of the “Control device” phrase would be convenient.
- Allow the “All my devices” in the “My devices” screen to be hidden. Most users create folders for rooms and never have a reason to wade through all of their devices to find the one they want to change.
- Recommend a setting to “Show scenes”. If not checked, also hide “My scenes” in the opening screen. Ditto for “Show Programs”
- A setting for “Startup screen” would be convenient, for example, allowing users to land on “My devices” when the program opens instead of always having to select it on opening.
- The “green” color you have chosen appears to be bright green and is difficult to see. It should be darkened several shades.
- The competing "Conductor" app has an indicator at the top which shows grey for no connection and uses two different green symbols when connected by WiFi or Internet. Save me from wondering about the status and might be a good idea for this app.