Okay, I'm hooked. I've had Insteon for years, but just got my first smartphone in January. I've never had an apple product. So I recently spent some time searching for an Android smartphone interface. I had considered Conductor, but never tried it. When I discovered the other day you have an Android version of your product I decided to try it. So this was a first for me. As soon as I installed MobiLinc and opened it, it instantly found my isy-99i and synced up with everything beautifully. I was immediately tuning lights on and off much to my wife's discontent.
This morning, April 30th 2011, I am now getting the message that the trial period has expired. This was expected, but I had hoped there would be a path provided to upgrade, either to a longer trial period, or to a product I could buy. I would definitely buy, this is a very clean useful product.
So, HELP PLEASE! I already feel naked with out my Android MobiLinc!